Natural disasters like the Australian wildfires are a uniting force for the world. We all want to do our part to help in whatever way we can. As people in the filmmaking community we have a unique and valuable talent to help tell important stories. For this project we’re asking volunteers to put their names in the hat to be contacted about volunteer opportunities that will help great causes on the front lines in Australia. By signing up you will be contacted with opportunities to use your skills for projects with fast turn-around times so your work can have the biggest impact on the causes it serves.

We would love to connect with as many production partners in Australia itself, but because our network is worldwide we are eager to work with volunteers who can work remotely like editors, animators, voice-over artists, motion graphic artists, etc.

Want to volunteer with this project?

Click the Sign Up button to fill out a simple & quick questionnaire!

We understand that all of our volunteers are working professionals and will be donating their free time.
As always, feel free to share on social media by clicking the links below!